Thursday, July 23, 2009

"So You Like Tae-Kwon-Do?" "Hi-YEAH!"

The Life and Times of Golden Gate's Most Infamous Little Tike.
By: Sarah Wickham, Celebrity Blogger


Working Hard for the Money

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lightning: A Lifeguard's Best Friend

My favorite days of the summer? The ones where I wake up to go to work and it is already storming! It’s almost the equivalent of waking up on Christmas morning. Almost.

Too bad it’s the end of July and it’s only stormed at the pool a total of 3 times this whole summer. Unbelievable, right? Sometimes I swear there is a vortex over our pool that repels any form of rain, lightning or thunder. I can’t tell you how many times storms on the horizon looked so foreboding that I thought they were bringing the end of the world and they get within one mile of the pool and just disappear. And we go back to having a hot, humid, sunny day… perfect for pool-goers. Yippee. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and do enjoy the sunny days, but sometimes it is nice to get some freebie breaks every once and awhile. Those are the times where I’ve had some of my most memorable moments of this job, come to think of it.

I’ve mastered the art of OJ Pong, seen someone eat the hottest pepper in the world and live to tell about it, learned how to play poker, witnessed the most outlandish conversations I’ve ever heard in my entire life and have probably laughed so hard I cried more times than I can count. This is where the lifeguard bonding occurs, folks. Just yesterday, we closed for three hours because of lightning and created the most incredibly heinous masterpieces through “The Drawing Game.” It’s funny how your imagination kicks in when you have limited entertainment.

I know it all sounds like all fun and games, but we definitely have days full of oh-so-fun manual labor during those storms. Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean. Clean the deck, scrub the bathrooms, mop the floors, organize the storage closet, clean the refrigerator, scrub the foul-smelling trashcans and recycling bins, file the entire world, pressure wash the lawn chairs…definitely the downside of those stormy days.

I have a 9hr. workday ahead of me today. I’ll do a rain dance and hope for the best.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lotioning and Oiling, Oiling and Lotioning
[I can't take this no more!]

Biggest lifeguard stereotype? Come on. Sunscreen (or zinc oxide, rather) on the nose, everyone knows that hahaha no pun intended. Little known fact: I have not met one lifeguard that actually does that. I probably should, however. Between the months of May and September, I permanently look like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

But let’s get serious. As a lifeguard, you are putting yourself at high-risk for developing skin cancer whether you like or not (one of the not-so-glamorous sides of lifeguarding, I’d say). I remember when my sister and I told our dermatologist that we got seasonal jobs as lifeguards. She looked as if she had seen a ghost and gravely warned us that she didn’t think that was a good idea. Did that stop us though? Nope. It doesn’t stop most people these days, either. Out of our staff of about 30 lifeguards, a few have already had bouts of skin cancer, which is scary considering most of us are between the ages of 19 and 24. And sad, quite frankly, with the amount of sunscreen stored in our guard room. Tanning oils, SPF 15, SPF80, baby sunscreen, a big jumbo pumper of sunscreen (that never seems to run out, come to think of it) and even lip sunscreen. Full protection is definitely provided to all. So why the dislike of sunscreen? Smelly? Greasy? Oily? Yes. Definitely. We’ve all had those moments where someone bursts into the room, only to ask the most dreaded of all favors… “Will someone put sunscreen on my back?” All of a sudden, three people are on the phone, two need to go talk to the supervisor and one needs to desperately go to the bathroom, and who’s left? That one loner in the corner who never pays attention….sucker. It gets worse if you had already put on sunscreen earlier and your hands are sparkly clean and dry… oh man, what a bummer. But the worst? Applying sunscreen to bacne. Yep, I said it. Back + Acne = Bacne. I won’t even go there.

Moral of this post? Wear sunscreen. I’m sure a lot of you out there have seen the recent Grey’s Anatomy episodes where Izzy has/had Stage IV Melanoma (Btw did she die? They left us hanging!) - Either way, sure did scare me into wearing sunscreen more often. I think we can all agree the greasy, smelly annoyance of good ole’ coppertone is probably worth the trouble you’d go through without it.